The tight shoes that rock climbers wear can cause Morton’s neuromas.
Have you ever had the sensation that you were standing on a pebble in your shoe or a fold in your sock? If the answer is yes, you may be suffering from a Morton’s neuroma. This is a painful condition that occurs in the ball of the foot, commonly between the third and fourth toes. Morton’s neuromas develop when the tissue leading to one of the nerves in your toes thicken, causing a sharp, burning pain in the ball of your foot. Other symptoms include stinging, burning, tingling, or numbness in your toes and a burning pain in the ball of the foot that radiates out to the toes.
The development of Morton’s neuromas has been linked to wearing high heeled shoes. Any kind of pressure or irritation to the nerves leading to the toes can incite the occurrence of this condition. Certain high-impact sports (such as jogging or running) that subject the feet to repetitive trauma can also cause Morton’s neuromas. Even sports that require wearing tight shoes, such as skiing and rock climbing, have been reported as catalysts for this condition.
Once your podiatrist has diagnosed you with a Morton’s neuroma, there are a few treatment options to consider. Depending on the severity of your symptoms, you could receive treatment ranging anywhere from arch support and foot pads to sclerosing/cortisone injections and surgery. This is why it’s important to visit your podiatrist at the first sign that something is wrong. A trained professional will not only be able to provide in-office treatment, but also at-home remedies (for Morton’s neuromas, these include anti-inflammatory medicines or better footwear).
Dr. Lefkowitz of Quality Foot Care specializes in the treatment of Morton’s neuromas. If you would like to make an appointment at his Doylestown office, call 215-230-9707 and get on your way to healthy feet today.
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